Monday, September 26, 2011

Kissing the War Goodbye

This is a photo called Kissing the War Goodbye by Alfred Eisenstaedt. Knowing the history of this photo really helps with the analysis. It is a photo taken on VJ-Day (Victory in Japan), and is of 2 complete strangers spontaneously kissing in the middle of times square. Many elements of this picture effect it's composition, the emphasis is put on the two people kissing with the lines all around the image leading into them. Some examples of this are the fork in the road behind them, the buildings on either side of them push the eye inside of the photo, and the direction in which all the people are looking: to the sailor and nurse dipped in a kiss. The contrast of colors and the large amount of people help portray the excitement and chaos of the day, all of the people are smiling, scattered about, and moving. The contrast in this photo also add to the excitement, the bright whites and pure blacks of the sailor and nurse make them pop. Having lot's of contrast in an image keeps it exciting, instead of having boring, dull grays. Also adding to the chaos and excitement of that day are the buildings on either side of the frame; these squish everything in the middle, making the image seem a lot more crowded and busy.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Governor Rick Perry is being pummeled for previous attempts to make it necessary for all 6th grade girls to get the HPV vaccine. His opponents called this "flat out wrong" saying that the possible side effects can be dangerous. The author of this editorial thinks it is ridiculous that Perry is being criticized for trying to pass this law because the vaccine was created to help and not harm, and the younger a girl is when she gets the vaccine, the better the results.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/2011-10 Years Later,8599,2092503-2,00.html

This article is about the memorial of 9/11 and the rebuilding of the World Trade Center. The completed memorial will be filled with 2 reflecting pounds where the Twin Towers used to stand, waterfalls, and 420 white oaks. It was unveiled today to all survivors, and victim's family members, and tomorrow it will be open to the public. The World Trade Center has finally started to be rebuilt, and will take about 8 more years than expected when originally estimated in 2002. Due to the meaning and needs of the building, numerous amounts of ideas have been completely scratched, but with a final idea and $20 million, the building has begun.